Ewa Błaszczyk "AKogo" Foundation Since 2019, we have been supporting the Ewa Błaszczyk "AKogo" Foundation, which is a Polish non-governmental organization dedicated for over 16 years to systematically solving the problems of individuals in comas.
Thanks to companies like ours, as donors and individuals with big hearts, the foundation has built and financially supports the "Budzik" Clinic at the Children's Health Center in Warsaw - the first facility of its kind in Poland, where patients aged 2-18 in comas are treated. Our support involves donating 5 PLN to the foundation's account from the sales of products marked with the Foundation's logo in our store.
"Forest Forever" Foundation This year, we've decided to do something completely new. We are generally concerned and horrified by the environmental devastations taking place not only in our country but also worldwide. However, focusing on our country, the destruction of the natural environment, including the beautiful Polish forests, is truly unprecedented. Therefore, we've chosen to support an organization that acts pro-ecologically and rebuilds our ecological system.
The "Forest Forever" Foundation consists of an incredible team of dedicated people who raise funds, purchase unused agricultural land, and plant new forests on them. That's the essence of it. Their mission is to restore permanent and irreversible biological balance on Earth. To achieve this, they plant forests that are meant to grow forever.
Starting from April 22, 2021, Earth Day, we've launched support for the "Forest Forever" Foundation by donating 1 PLN from every product sold and by offering the option to purchase a special certificate from us, the value of which is equivalent to buying 1 square meter of forest. We sincerely hope that with your support, we'll be able to gather 50,000 PLN, allowing the foundation to purchase and populate 1 hectare of land with our beautiful "Forest Forever."